2. Introduction to Datacenter computing facilities

2. Introduction to Datacenter computing facilities


Content:  SURFsara Tour.  Participants are requested to bring their ID card or passport to be allowed in the SURFsara Datacenter.

Note: in the past years, we used to reserve two hours to introduce Linux, but we have noticed that most of the participants have already enough Linux basic knowledge which allows them to follow all the workshops fo course. If you have no experience with Linux get in touch with the coordinator before the beginning of the course.



All available large-scale computer systems are running the Unix operating system.  In this course you will be taught the basic commands, with some more advanced topics, to work with Unix. Besides, you will learn how to access Unix systems remotely from your workspace, which can be a computer system running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.


Content : Hands-on training for Unix. All available large-scale computer systems are running the Unix operating system.


In this course you will be taught the basic commands, with some more advanced topics, to work with Unix. Besides, you will learn how to access Unix systems remotely from your workspace, which can be a computer system running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.



  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Date & Timesee schedule
  • Location: Science Park 904, Room: see schedule
  • Target group: Anyone with working knowledge of Windows, Mac OS X or the graphical interface of a Linux system. 
  • Prerequisites: A working knowledge of Windows, Mac OS X or the graphical interface of a Linux system.
  • Course Presenter: Caspar van Leeuwen / Carlos Teijeiro Barjas / Lykle Voort (SURFsara).

