
Introductory and elective programme


The course starts with a mandatory introductory and theoretic module. Once the participants have completed this part of the programme, they can make a selection from the modules offered for an in-depth study of the various techniques and e-infrastructures. These modules will also be tailored to meet the needs of the participants: some will focus on using existing software to run a large number of simulations and others will teach the participants to develop their own software, preferably tailored to modern computer architectures, with a view to accelerating calculation time.

As specific prerequisites may apply to certain modules, researchers may be required to complete another module before enrolling in the module of their choice.


The positioning of the course


The course is intended for all researchers. No credits will be awarded for completion of the courses. Following successful completion of the course, we hope that the newly acquired knowledge will become embedded in the research institutes to benefit the first-year PhD candidates and first-year postdocs who will need to use the available ICT infrastructure.

Master students can, however earn 6 ECTS. They must follow all the lectures and participate in all workshops (Master students should get the approval of the exam commission before they can validate the 6EC).


Online information (including the presentations) and a compilation of best practices will be made available alongside the courses.

Please read on for a draft version of the program to be offered and a few examples showing the possible paths (Roadmaps) that can be taken through the elective modules.