Why enroll?


Why should researchers follow the HPC course?


  1. To learn about the available HPC facilities: the use of these facilities may accelerate and improve your research. Unfamiliarity with these facilities may cause you to ‘miss the boat’.

  2. To become familiar with HPC applications that can be used within your discipline,

  3. To learn how to use the infrastructure efficiently, to speed up results and cut costs for your department.

  4. Scaling up existing applications (e.g., applications that currently run on a desktop) will scale up your research. E-infrastructure will help you push your boundaries and lead to more efficient operations.

which HPC facilities are available for this course?



Registration fees:

  • Members of UvA and VU: free
  • Participants from other universities: € 300
  • Participants from outside the academic sector: € 3000

These prices are for the entire course. Should people only attend some of the workshops,  they pay to ratio. Currently, there are 8 workshops, so they cost €30 each for participants for a half day workshop and €60 for a full day workshop, or €300 for all workshops each for participants from outside the academic sector.